Portable Pipisoft Flash Favorite v1.8.3 | Size: 2.2 MB
Programin gelismis arabirimi sayesinde istediginiz dosyalarini ayristirabilme ve silme seçenegi mevcut. Diger Özellikleri:Kolay kullanimKullanici tanimli arayüzHerhangi bir web sayfasindan flash filmi kaydetmeIstediginizi görürsünüzWindows Internet temporary kalsöründeki flash dosyalarini listeleme destegi
An easy way to save and download flash video from web pages!
Flash is the most popular animation format on Internet now. When you were surfing on the Internet, have you experienced such things:
Playing Flash games,
Watching video online,
Watching comic Flash movies,
Reading Flash based charts ........
Having problem downloading these flash files?
Make it easy on yourself with Flash Favorite. Flash Favorite is the right program that can save these flashes for you.
With this useful tool, you are able to download the Flash movies you like and save them to your hard drive for future playback.